I like Jerry Maguire. It's a Good Movie, but it's has an awful Commentary
Jerry Maguire employs one of those video commentary tracks and my
question is why? As the commentary begins you hear that everyone
is hung over from Tom's Cruise's Birthday Party which happened the
night before; so you are basically watching a bunch of sleepy people
that hardly move watching a film. It was like watching a reflection
of me, but much more attractive and sometimes black.
To make matters worse all these guys do is talk about how awesome
they are. They say things like, "Great Line", "You're
a Genuis", "You are Awesome!" and Ladies and Gentlemen
that's why he won the Oscar." It's self congratulatory to a
fault. You think that these guys solved world hunger that way they
are applauding each other and that Jonathan Lipnicki is potentially
the next James Dean.
The most annoying aspect of the commentary is Renee Zweilleger,
three times throughout the film Cameron Crowe is getting everyone
to start talking about something interesting or potentially scandalous
that happened during shooting and she stops him by saying " That's
our secret". THREE TIMES! Why do commentary then if you're not
going to talk about potentially embarassing stuff.
So If you like Celebrities talking about how great they are and
occasionally pretending to beat each other up, because the compliments
are too nice than this DVD is for you. If not look elsewhere.
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