Sunday, December 16, 2007


As mentioned elsewhere on this site I am a nerd, so of course, I
was excited to listen to the DVD Commentary Track for the Special
Edition of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. The commentary is done
by William Shatner (Kirk) and Leonard Nimoy (Spock), you can't beat
that! Apparently when they're at Star Trek Conventions people gather
from far and wide to see the amazing repartee between these two Sci-Fi
Giants. They even released a DVD home movie where the two men just
sit and talk to each other. So I had high hopes. But unfortunately
it's a little bit dissapointing. After listening to the commentary
you just walk away thinking that William Shatner is the most lovable
jackass in the world.

Here are the best things that Shatner says/does in the Commentary....

1.) He regularly uses words like, "Sagacity", "Deus
Ex Machina", and "Artistic Inadversity".

2.)He tells the audience that he was firmly against
the idea of Time Travel for the 4th film- he thought it wouldn't
be interesting to fans. (* This was the highest grossing Star Trek
Film of all time!)

3.) He did a One Man Show which toured around the
country that involved taking the poems of D.H. Lawrence and setting
them to whale song.

4.) One of the reasons he enjoys making films is
because he feels that it allows actors to live forever.

5.) He teaches a mini acting class in the middle
of the film where he demonstrates the right way to act, "It
must feel like you are coming up with the words that you are saying
for the first time
" When that happens then you've got it.

Besides Shatner, the commentary does have some interesting tidbits
(I suggest watching it with the Text Commentary as well, it's 2 commentaries
in one). I feel like Leonard Nimoy has a guilt problem with Shatner,
because Nimoy knows that he's a better actor and director than Shatner.
He's always talking about what a wonderful actor Bill is and how
his reactions are superb and how Star Trek V is a masterpiece (No,
I don't think so). It feels like Nimoy's trying to get someone else
to hire Shatner, so he can get rid of him.

The saddest moment comes near the conclusion of the film, both Shatner
and Nimoy talk about how there are so many more stories left to tell
with this cast of characters, but they feel as if they might never
get the chance (They're just realizing this now!) They say the studio
seems more interested in the new casts.(Duh!). Overall it's fun,
but nothing to warrant the purchase of the new collector's edition,
unless it's cheap.

Anyway a great extra dose of Shatner is on Disc 2, under the Interview
section. In this section they show original publicity interviews
with the stars which are uncut. William Shatner is so cocky and evasive,
it's hysterical. It's the most begrudging film promotion interview
I've ever seen. He's really nasty and curt. It's a must watch.

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